Sep 1, 2009

Politics and a party!

Last Sunday August 30th was a general election day in Japan.
I went to the election hall around 4 pm to vote and come home to sleep :p (I was really sleepy on Sunday).

The vote started to count after 8 closing of the palling places. Minshu tou (Democratic Party), the opposition party overwhelmed the ruling party, Jimin tou aka Jiyu-minshu tou (Liberal Democratic Party) (@_@)!!!
Probably pretty different from some other countries, Jimin tou has been ruled Japanese politics for more than 50 years since November 1955 except during 1993 to 1994. That was the only time Jimin tou became opposition party. So it looks like a big change.
I mean I was pretty tired of seeing Jimin changing its leader for many times and seems to become the prime minister was the most important consideration for some of the politicians so I guess it is good :). I cannot say I know much about politics, and I do not feel like change of the leading party will do much different however, I think it is good to have leading party changed then who would be the leader in the leading party would be less consideration..... hopefully.

So the man at the top will be our new leader. His name is Yukio Hatoyama. Yoroshikune (hello :p)!

OK, now about a party! Not about the political one but usual fun party yay~~~~!!!!!
So the reason I was tired on Sunday was because I went to a river with 8 of my friends on Saturday to swim and do a BBQ =D!
We met up at Hiroshima station at 11:00 and started out a bit past 11:00 for Jagui river. My friends and I have been going to that river park called "Play park Jagui" past 3 years.
We are really fond of that palce. There are grill that we can do BBQ, the river with different depth. Some place really shallow that small kids can play (even though we do not bring any kids lol). We can catch fish at the sallow part. Also at the deep parts, we can swim, we can jump in from the rocks side of the river. It is really nice.

The ordinary driving course from Hiroshima station is to get on a high way to Otake inter change (I think... I mean I forgot :p) and get off there and stop by at a super market named "YumeTown" to get some rice, snacks and drinks =D.

The main event this year was JUMPING OFF FROM A BRIDGE!!!

The bridge, you can see it in the picture of the right. It was about 7 m high!
I usually afraid of height but not on the Saturday haha! On the left picture at the red arrow you can see the splash I made. I was just got into the river from the bridge and was in the water =D. One of my friends took it with her cell phone camera (thank you Eri-chan (^3^))!!
On the right was my second trial with my friend Miki, I am the one in the red and Miki is in the yellow =D. We were standing out of the bridge guardrail kind of thing, about to jump.
This year, there were a lot of people at the bridge trying to jump and jump actually. Last year, we were just watching some people doing that and called them fool...... but this year, we became one of them and it was lot of fun lol lol lol.

Even after 2 days, my butt hearts probably from jumping into the water from the bridge :p. Other girls were saying that their butt heart from the impact of getting into the water.... haha. But we were pretty happy also with the pain :D :D :D :D!!

We will go there next year!!

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